Take a peek at Jeff
Jeff - JeffDaCoach25
Jeff has played these seasons

Hi all and welcome to DaGodsofDeath! My name is Jeff aka JeffDaCoach25. This is my 8th season of PUBG. I have played video games since I was 10-11 years old. The first gaming console I ever owned was the Atari 2600, then Sega, then Nintendo 1 and 2, then PlayStation 1, 2, and 3, and now XBOX. 3rd person shooter games have always been my fav. If you can think of a shooter game then I have probably played it. PUBG mobile is the best shooter game that has ever been developed. I know some of you might say COD mobile might be better, and all I have to say to that is…COD is cool, however; I always find myself coming back to PUBG. My son who is 14 would agree with you and say COD is better and to each his own, but for me, PUBG is the way to go. Anyway, that’s it for me, thanks for visiting our page, and we will see you on the battlefield!